We are committed to getting up early, drinking coffee, and studying the Bible together. This is a great group for all guys, regardless of religious background. We aim to discover what the Bible says about God and what that means for us.
A space for 20 to 30-somethings to develop friendships with each other, with the hope that our community might be strengthened and drawn towards Jesus. To be added to our event notifications, join the YA Group below.
Embrace exists to support and equip people touched by foster care and adoption through prayer, education, and fellowship. This community is open to all individuals who are adoptees, birth parents, foster/adoptive parents, and those interested in learning more about fostering or adopting.
The MomCo (formerly MOPS) is a ministry group for moms with young children. It exists to provide community and friendship while also equipping and encouraging moms to apply the hope of the gospel to everyday motherhood.
When couples invest in their marriage, it transforms from stagnant to life-giving! Join Grace Marriage, a discipleship journey with four Saturday sessions over one year, to grow in grace and God's design for marriage.