Staff work alongside the pastors to carry out the day-to-day business of the church and lead weekly worship. We are thankful to have several staff members who faithfully serve Fellowship Denver
We have a team of Elders who help to lead and pastor our church. They are comprised of both staff elders and lay elders who work together to shepherd Fellowship Denver

Adam Anglin

Andy Barlow

Bryan Gwinn

Clark Nunnelly

Dave Morlan

Fred Choi

Josh Hayes

Hunter Beaumont

Jesse Ochoa

Daniel Perez

Jeff Cazer

Mark Shepard

Paul Egy

Rich Dugan

Patrick Creedon

Russ Doran
Deacons are Fellowship Denver members who volunteer time to oversee significant areas of ministry.

Lisa Dougherty
Deacon of Global Missions

James Dougherty
Deacon of Global Missions

Jill Anschutz
Deacon of Serve Denver