Prepared for the Lord, Hosea 10:1-12

Breaking Up the Fallow Ground


A significant theme of Scripture - especially the Prophets - is that the people who receive the grace of God and are used by God are the people who are spiritually prepared. “Prepared for the Lord” acknowledges that we are in need of God to act, to pour out his grace - and He chooses when and how he does that. But he is also constantly telling his people how to be ready, how to be prepared.

What is one area of life that used to be marked by passion and commitment that has now fallen by the wayside? Why do you think that happened?

We all go through seasons when our passion for Christ grows weak, like a once-fruitful field that has become fallow. When this happens, God calls us to do whatever is necessary to “break up the fallow ground” of our hearts and prepare ourselves to be renewed by the Lord.


The Prosperity Paradox (Read Hosea 10:1-2). Here, Hosea describes Israel as a luxuriant vine, an image that communicates wealth and prosperity. And yet, sadly, the more prosperous Israel became, the more their hearts wandered away from the Lord.

  • Have you ever experienced seasons of prosperity that made you complacent spiritually? What happened?
  • Why do you think prosperity has so much power to bless our lives, on the one hand, and divide our hearts, on the other?
  • In Matthew 13:22, Jesus warns of the “deceitfulness of riches.” In other words, wealth and prosperity are liars. What specific lies do you think they tell us?

The Fruit of a Divided Heart (Read Hosea 10:3-8). Here, Hosea describes the fruit of this luxuriant vine. Externally, they have beautiful altars and go through all of the religious motions (1-2), but internally they have no fear of the Lord (3), they make empty oaths to God (4), and their hearts and lives are full of idolatry (5-8).

  • Have you ever felt like you were going through all the right religious motions, but your heart was far from God? Explain.
  • What do you find yourself consistently running to in the place of God during those seasons? 
Breaking Up the Fallow Ground (Read Hosea 10:9-12). In this passage, Hosea compares Israel to a once fruitful field that has become fallow and full of weeds. He calls Israel to repent of her complacency and idolatry (“break up your fallow ground”), sow righteousness and love, and seek the Lord for renewal.
  • What “fallow ground” is the Lord calling you to break up in this season of your life?
  • Having broken up the fallow ground, how is God specifically calling you to sow “righteousness” and “steadfast love” in your life?
  • What steps do you want to take today to “seek the Lord” for spiritual renewal?