Vision Series: Transformation & Grace

Transformation & Grace


Our Fall Vision Series aims to explain Fellowship Denver Church's mission—helping people discover and follow the original Jesus—in a way that invites new people to discover or join the mission and equips FDC insiders to faithfully participate in it. This series will also provide a unique challenge to cultivate a “one more” mindset, where we always seek to reach “one more” person with the gospel.

Some church communities place a high emphasis on righteous living but a low emphasis on God’s grace and forgiveness. Others place a high focus on God’s grace and a lower priority on righteousness. Have you ever been part of a church or Christian community that emphasized one of these to the exclusion of the other? How did that affect your life? How did that affect that specific Christian community?

Our mission is to help people discover and follow the original Jesus. To do this faithfully, we must emphasize both transformation and grace. In other words, the good news of the gospel is that Jesus sets us free from the penalty of our sins (grace/forgiveness) and progressively sets us free from the power of our sin (transformation).


Read Romans 5:1-11
This passage lists several specific gospel graces that belong to every follower of Jesus.
  • What are some of the gospel graces Paul mentions in this passage?
  • What is the meaning and significance of these graces?
  • Which of these is particularly comforting to you? Why?

Read Philippians 1:6
  • What specific gospel grace is promised to the Christian in this verse?
  • How do you think this grace could be misunderstood and lead to a life of passivity?

Read Philippians 2:12
  • How does this passage highlight the call to Christian transformation?
  • What does it mean to “work out” your own salvation?
  • Why does Paul mention “fear and trembling”?

Read Philippians 2:13
In the previous verse, Paul called us to “work out” our own salvation with fear and trembling. In this verse, he gives us the reason: God is already at “work in” us to will and work for his good pleasure. A significant part of the Christian life is seeing where God is already at work and joining him there. Here, Paul tells us that God is already at work within us and calls us to join Him by manifesting his work in our lives.
  • Where is God currently at work in you? 
  • What concrete ways do you need to work out your salvation right now?


Each week of this series, we encourage you to consider how you might help one more person know and follow the original Jesus. As we pray and make room for “one more,” let’s open our eyes and hearts to people who might’ve once professed faith in Christ but have become discouraged in their discipleship or disconnected. They need to experience God’s grace again—and perhaps experience God’s grace for discipleship for the first time!