Vision Series: Personal Faith & Church

Personal Faith & Church


Our Fall Vision Series aims to explain Fellowship Denver Church's mission—helping people discover and follow the original Jesus—in a way that invites new people to discover or join the mission and equips FDC insiders to faithfully participate in it. This series will also provide a unique challenge to cultivate a “one more” mindset, where we always seek to reach “one more” person with the gospel.

An increasingly common phrase these days is, "I love Jesus, but I’m not really interested in the church." What do you think about the idea that somebody can be a passionate follower of Jesus but have no interest in being connected to a local church?

Our mission is to help people discover and follow the original Jesus. To do this faithfully, we must emphasize both personal faith and church. In other words, any form of discipleship that minimizes personal faith in Christ or local church involvement is deficient.


Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
  • According to Paul, how is the church like a body?
  • How does this help us understand why only having a “personal relationship” with Jesus is insufficient?
  • On the other hand, how does it help us understand why a “personal relationship” with Jesus is vital?

Read 1 Corinthians 12:13
Here, Paul says, “We were all baptized into one body.” In many ways, baptism beautifully portrays the balance of personal faith and church.
  • How do Paul’s words about baptism highlight the personal faith aspect of discipleship?
  • How do Paul’s words about baptism highlight the “church” or corporate nature of discipleship?

Which of these realities reflects your life: personal faith in Jesus or church involvement? In light of this, what concrete steps of faith and obedience might God be calling you to take right now in your life?


Each week of this series, we encourage you to consider how you might help one more person know and follow the original Jesus.  The importance of personal faith and church is why we always make room for one more. We want to be a community where anyone can wrestle with Jesus's claims and decide whether or not to trust him. This is why we encourage people to attend church or join a Fellowship Group regardless of where they are in their faith journey. How else are they supposed to hear the gospel and make a decision personally? This is also why we make room for one more in our Fellowship Groups—we don’t want anyone who believes in Jesus to have to live disconnected from the body of Christ.