Vision Series: Words & Deeds

Words & Deeds


Our Fall Vision Series aims to explain Fellowship Denver Church's mission—helping people discover and follow the original Jesus—in a way that invites new people to discover or join the mission and equips FDC insiders to faithfully participate in it. This series will also provide a unique challenge to cultivate a “one more” mindset, where we always seek to reach “one more” person with the gospel.

One of the most common objections raised against the Christian gospel is that Christians have done terrible things in the name of Christ. One often hears about the Crusades and the slaughtering of Muslims across Europe as an example. Or of the complicity of Christians in the slave trade in early America. What do you think about these objections? Should the bad behavior of Christians be an argument against the message itself? Why or why not?

Our mission is to help people discover and follow the original Jesus. To do this faithfully, we must emphasize both words and deeds. That is, holistic Christian witness in the world pairs the words of the gospel with the power of the gospel.


Read Matthew 5:13-16
Here, Jesus calls his disciples to let their light shine before others so they would be drawn to God and give him glory when the world sees their good works. The idea is that a life transformed by the Spirit of God (think love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc) is compelling to the world and is part of how God draws people to himself.
  • What do you think about the idea that transformed lives of Christians, not just their gospel words, are a significant part of how God draws people to himself?
  • In your own story of coming to faith, how did God use the Spirit-filled lives of Christians to draw you to himself?
  • In your own life and context, how are you letting your light shine before others? In other words, what “good works” mark your life that would actually be compelling to somebody who doesn’t know Jesus?

Read Romans 10:14-17 
While good works are a necessary part of our Christian witness, they are insufficient to save anybody. In this text, Paul makes it clear that one can only be saved by hearing, understanding, and believing the good news of the gospel. 
  • In your own words, how would you explain the gospel message to somebody who wasn’t familiar with Christianity?
  • In light of Paul’s words here, what do you think about this popular saying: “Preach the gospel at times; if necessary use words.”
  • Many Christians are afraid to share the gospel with unbelievers. Is this a struggle for you? Why do you think that is?


Each week of this series, we encourage you to consider how you might help one more person know and follow the original Jesus.

Over the last three weeks, we have encouraged you to identify 1-3 people you want to pursue, begin praying for them and for your own heart, and make a plan to move toward them. This week, we want to encourage you to take the first step toward them.