Vision Series: Doctrine & Life

Doctrine & Life


Our Fall Vision Series aims to explain Fellowship Denver Church's mission—helping people discover and follow the original Jesus—in a way that invites new people to discover or join the mission and equips FDC insiders to faithfully participate in it. This series will also provide a unique challenge to cultivate a “one more” mindset, where we always seek to reach “one more” person with the gospel.

Have you ever met somebody you considered a hypocrite? Somebody whose life didn’t match up with what they claimed to believe? Share about this experience and how it made you feel about that person.

Our mission is to help people discover and follow the original Jesus. To do this faithfully, we must emphasize doctrine and life. In other words, discipleship to Jesus involved both transformed thinking (orthodoxy) and transformed living (orthopraxy).


Read 1 Timothy 4:1-5
In this passage, Paul warns Timothy about the “teaching of demons.” These demonic doctrines taught that the physical world (creation) was bad and only “spiritual things” were good. Therefore, the path to true holiness and salvation in this scheme came not from enjoying God’s world with a heart of gratitude and worship but rather from forsaking created things like marriage, sex, or certain foods. This doctrine is demonic because it takes what God has called good and considers it to be bad.  
  • What are some current “demonic doctrines” floating in the cultural air?
  • How do these “teachings” or “ideologies” contradict the truth of God’s word?
  • How do you see these doctrines affecting the way people live?

Read 1 Timothy 4:6-10
In a world filled with demonic doctrines and evil ideologies, Paul says we must train ourselves in “the words of the faith and of the good doctrine” of the gospel. If we don’t, we are vulnerable to buying into the subtle and not-so-subtle lies that permeate our world. 
  • What is a “demonic doctrine” or cultural lie you have believed at some point in your life?
  • How did that false belief affect the way you lived?
  • What truth from God’s word set you free from that lie, and how did your life change?

Read 1 Timothy 4:11-16
In response to the demonic doctrines that threatened to deceive the believers in Ephesus, Paul exhorts Timothy to teach the truth of God’s word and model a holy Christian life. 
  • Who is one person whose commitment to God’s word and example of holiness has inspired you to follow Jesus more faithfully? Why did their life impact you so much?
  • What biblical truth has had the greatest liberating impact on your life?

Read Romans 12:1-2 
Here, Paul tells us that life transformation comes through the “renewal” of our minds. 
  • What are you currently doing to renew your mind?
  • What is one intentional step you would like to take to renew your mind with the truth of God’s word? Or, what is one truth you already know that you want to more fully integrate into the way you live?


Each week of this series, we encourage you to consider how you might help one more person know and follow the original Jesus.

Last week, we encouraged you to write down the names of 1-3 people on a notecard and begin regularly praying for them. This week, in addition to praying for those people, we would encourage you to begin praying for your own heart, asking God to give you courage and compassion to move toward them with the gospel.